Language Arts and Math Benchmarks, Terra Nova, AIMS, District Writing Assessment, DIBELS, Phonics Screener
Every year, the schools in the Gadsden School District align State standards and curriculum in a predetermined order to be taught by teachers throughout the school year. Students will be assessed on these standards regularly. Parent reports will be prepared and sent home with progress reports or report cards. Every year, our elementary schools administer standardized assessments to determine how students are meeting academic goals. The Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS) is one example of the assessments that students take to find their academic levels in Reading, Writing, and Math. Test results are sent home with the child when they arrive.
Gifted Program
All students have the right to be tested for the Gifted Program upon recommendation from a staff member, parent or guardian or self. This program is open to students in grades kindergarten through sixth. Testing takes place three times a year at each school site. You may contact your child’s teacher if you wish to have your child tested.
Annual Notification to Parents
Regarding Confidentiality of Student
Education Records [34 C.F.R. 300.561(a)(2)(4)
and 300.572(a)]
Dear Parent:
The Governing Board has established written policies regarding the collection, storage, retrieval, use, and transfer of student educational information collected and maintained pertinent to the education of all students to ensure the confidentiality of the information and to guarantee parents’ and students’ rights to privacy. These policies and procedures are in compliance with:
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act; Title 20, United States Code, Sections 1232g and 1232h; and the Federal Regulations (34 C.F.R., Part 99) issued pursuant to such act;
The individuals with Disabilities in Education Act; 20 U.S.C. Chapter 33; and the Federal Regulations (34 C.F.R. Part 300); and Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 15, Section 141. Please contact the school office if you wish to review policy.
Parental Waiver Information
Under the A.R.S. §15-753 English Language Education for Children in Public Schools-Parental Waiver, you have the right to request a waiver for a Bilingual Education Program for your son/daughter. To make such a request, you must personally visit the school to apply for the waiver. The school must then provide you with a full description of the educational materials to be used in the different educational program choices and all the educational opportunities available to your child.
If you would like to request a waiver for Bilingual Education, please come personally to your child’s current school to make the request and sign a form for each child. The district will respond to your request with its determination.